November 08, 2005

Election Day

I voted today. Pretty uninspiring choices all around, but at least there was more than one choice on the ballot.

As I mentioned yesterday, I recently finished the Baroque Cycle books. I got them last Christmas, but put off reading them until now because I knew I wouldn't be able to get anything else done once I started (which was true). I really like Stephenson's recent "expansion" from SF into historical fiction. These books were sort of a geek's guide to the late 17th century, but I'd have to read some actual history to know how much was entirely fictional. The books made me realize how little I know (or remember) about history, expecially outside the USA. On a local note, it's interesting how many Virginia counties are named after British kings, including William of Orange. Anyway, I can't wait to see what Neal Stephenson writes next.


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